Graduates of the specialisation Contemporary History will be well versed mainly in the political and military history of the 20th century. Thanks to the acquired competencies, they will find ample employment opportunities in the field of formal and non-formal education, in institutions of university and non-university types, as ordinary employees or managers in state and political administration of central, regional or local level, in EU expert groups, or in UN network agencies. Graduates will naturally find employment opportunities in various types of memory institutions (archives, museums, documentation centres). Graduates can also work as ordinary employees or managers of domestic, European or global political (or economic) institutions and organisations, as creative workers of print, electronic or audio-visual media or as professional analysts and experts in the field of consulting.
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Full-time study has a fixed schedule on weekdays during mornings and/or afternoons. As a student, you will be on campus daily participating in seminars and lectures. You will have the status of student.