The graduate has a thorough knowledge of historical facts, phenomena and processes from the Middle Ages to contemporary history, is able to apply them in his/her own research work, and is familiar with the institutional provision of historical research.
Graduates will find employment for example:
- in academia and other institutions dealing with science, research, development and innovation,
- in the field of heritage protection,
- in archiving, and
- in museums.
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Máš zájem o historii, cizí jazyky, humanitní studia, literaturu, filosofii, religionistiku nebo sociální antropologii?
Dveře naší fakulty otevřeme v pátek 2. února 2024 od 10:00 do 17:00 hod.
Navštivte největší vzdělávací veletrh v ČR. Čeká Vás setkání se studenty Fakulty filozofické. S úsměvem zodpovíme Vaše dotazy a předáme Vám zkušenosti se studiem.
Courses taken by the first-year students this year
Graduates and references
What scholarships can you get
Tuition fees
Part-time study
Part-time study involves a lot of independent work. Your schedule comprises lectures and consultations with your teachers, mainly on Friday, and once in two weeks on Saturday. This form of study is suitable for those who already have a job.