You will get involved in theory which you will be able to apply in your internship and stays in cooperating companies or in lectures led by experts of the selected fields.
What will you learn?
The aim of the study programme is to prepare highly educated graduates who are able to perform scientific and research tasks of basic and applied research in relation to the problems of technical practice, especially in means of transport.
Graduates of this specialisation have thorough theoretical knowledge in the field of land transport, especially in the theory of vehicle movement and safety, the environmental impact of vehicles, analysis of vehicle force and dynamics, and in the theory of vehicles. They can perform theoretical and experimental analyses of complex problems in these areas, coming up with new knowledge and solutions and proposing corrective measures.
Linking theory to practice
- Specific knowledge in the field of means of transport and infrastructure.
- Computational and experimental methods of vehicles and analysis of transport route interaction.
- Diagnostic methods for the design of vehicles and traffic routes and related methods of planning, maintenance and reconstruction.
- researcher in educational and research institutions,
- educator in educational organisations,
- research and development staff in industry,
- manager in research, science and education.
Get in Touch
Zajímá tě doprava a chceš poznat naši fakultu? Přijď v pátek 31.1.2024 na Den otevřených dveří. Dveře naší fakulty budou otevřeny od 9:30 do 14:00.
Představíme ti všechny studijní programy a specializace. Otevřené budou naše laboratoře, Dopravní sál i Výzkumné a výukové centrum v dopravě v Doubravicích. Současní studenti ti popovídají o studentském životě a na stánku ti zodpoví vše, co tě zajímá.
Více informací: Dny otevřených dveří 2024/2025 | Univerzita Pardubice (
Tak si zapiš termín do kalendáře a doraz. Těšíme se na tebe.
Courses taken by this year's freshmen
Úspěšní studenti
What scholarships can you get
Tuition fees
Full-time study
Full-time study has a fixed schedule Monday through Thursday. In this form of study you can enjoy benefits such as scholarships, discounts for transport, etc. Full-time study is not limited by age.